“Art-Management“ is honored to announce the partnership with

Das Kunstmuseum”, Austria and “Experimental Workshop of Vergina”, Macedonia showcasing the cultural heritage of contemporary Greek-Austrian architect and painter  Makis Warlamis’ in Luxembourg, namely exhibiting his paintings and serigraphs.

We request the pleasure of your company for the FESTIVE RECEPTION: Th. 7th of November 2024 at 18.30

Address: Foundry  #38, route d’Esch 1st floor L-1740 Luxembourg

FESTIVE PRICES for visitors during AFFORDABLE ART WEEK-END   7-10 November 2024:

Fr 8th of November 17.00 – 21.00

Sat 9th of November 14.00 – 20.00

Sunday 10th of November 14.00 – 20.00

Please, feel free to share this invitation with your network. 

Indian miniature painting

“Whispers from the East...”

Exhibition by Silvia Karamfilova and Shiv Swami

Tuesday 25.06.2024 at 18:30 

38, route d’Esch 1st floor L-1740 Luxembourg 

This collection of artworks sets to show the finesse, delicacy, and richness of stories and colors of Indian miniature art which is strongly influenced by the Mughal and Rajasthani traditions, as well as to show the visual and conceptual interpretations of a European artist who has also been strongly inspired by miniature art in India.

Painting exhibition -  EDWARD WELTER

“Welcome to my World”

Vernissage in the presence of the artist

14 of March 2024 at 17h30

in the Galerie bei der Kierch - 2 Rue de Keispelt, 8282 Kehlen, Luxembourg

open for visiting 14 - 25 of March 2024 from 14h00 till 19h00.

Christmas Edition:  

Time of Kindness 

Group show comprising a collection of artworks and design-objects. 

 You are kindly asked to bring items which will be helpful on the hottest combat spots for Ukranian Military Forces.

Tu 19. Dec 2023 13.00-20.00 

38, route d’Esch 1st floor L-1740 Luxembourg 


"Luxembourg and Santorini, Two Paradises on Earth"  Painting exhibition

Inauguration ceremony on We 20.09.2023 at 18:30

in Da Vinci Forum (6 Bd Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, 1330 Ville-Haute Luxembourg)

Opening by the Honorary Minister of Culture of Luxembourg, Mrs. Erna Hennicot-Schoepges

RSVP via email until 18.09.2023 / request catalogue:  oksana@art-management.lu  / +352-661-311205


Painting exhibition -  for the 1st time presented in Luxembourg

"The Choice"

Vernissage in the presence of the artist

Thursday  8.06.2023 at 18:30 

38, route d’Esch 1st floor L-1740 Luxembourg 

Photography Exhibition:

Tetyana POPYK (UA)  -  Benoît KUNSCH (LU)

276, rue de Rollingergrund, Luxembourg - Ukrainian Library


18:30 Vernissage in the presence of the artists

The degustation of exclusive wines by “Georgian-Moldavian Prestige”  

New collection of paintings

Presentation in the presence of the artist 

Oxana Berezhna

Friday  24.03.2023 at 17:00

38, route d`Esch L-1740 Luxembourg

Previous Events:


concert by Kirsti Consorts soprano, violin baroque, violoncello, clavecin  

exhibition by Oxana Berezhna painting

Château de Bourglinster Luxembourg 

Sunday  26.02.2023

16:00 Vernissage in the presence of the artist- free entry

17:00 Concert 

Mid-summer MUSIC ART event: "Harp concert & Vernissage"

Organized in cooperation with INTERNATIONS. Fundraising from tickets & paintings sale goes to help Ukraine.

OXANA BEREZHNA - paintings inspired by tango music

RENE ROESER- ballet dancers’ photos 

Vernissage in the presence of the artists Sat 9.07.2022 at 15h00

RSVP: oksana@art-management.lu / +352-661-311205

Celtic harp concert by AMANDINE MARTIN (FR): selection of the classical pieces matching with the exhibited artworks on Sat 9.07.2022 at 17h30

Monique Gabus - Sur les bords du Nil : "Les Oiseaux de la Palmeraie" and "Jardins au bord du Nil", "Quand Néfertiti chantait" 5'15''

Deborah Henson-Conant (based on a theme by J.J Rousseau) - Baroque Flamenco 5'

Bernard Andrès - Automates : Pavane 2'15

Bernard Andrès - Danses d'automne : N°2 and N°4 3'30

Jakez François - Blues Trevelez 1'30

Ludovido Einaudi - Primavera and Nuvole Bianche 4-6'

Yiruma - Rivers Flows with You (arrangement by Sylvia Woods) 3'

Reserve your place for30€ via email/sms: 

oksana@art-management.lu +352-661-311205

Foundry 38, route d'Esch L-1740 Luxembourg

"Natural VS Supernatural"

Ott NEUENS- painting with natural pigments, gold, gems

Hermine JOUAN- infrared photography


Cafe "ArTime", Zithaklinik, rue d'Anvers, 1st floor  Luxembourg

Fine art exhibition "CITIES"

Paintings by Silvia KARAMFILOVA

Vernissage 02.02.2022 at 18:00 in the presence of the artist & degustation of Georgian wine

Da Vinci Forum: 6, Bd Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, 1330 Luxembourg

RSVP: oksana@art-management.lu / +352-661-311205

Private preview on We 12.01.2022 at 18:30-21:00

The selection of female abstract paintings from the emerging artists from USA, Latvia, France.

«Foundry»: 38, route d'Esch   1st floor   L-1470 Luxembourg

Grizelda Lechini  (USA)

Anastasia Vanden Berghe  (USA)

Sophie Sonsiquet  (FR)

Insight - IN City

 Photography exhibition

Benoît KUNSCH - René ROESER 

Vernissage in the presence of the artists and degustation of Georgian wine on 18th of November 2021 at 17.30.

Da Vinci Forum: 6, Bd Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, 1330 Luxembourg

Noman`s Land - Paths of Lost Riders

Imren IYEM  Painting

September 25 - September 26, 2021


Benoit Victor KUNSCH   Photography

August 21 - September 25, 2021

Benoît Victor Kunsch  photography INTEGRATION

29.08. – 17.10.2021

Café “Ar'Time” at Zithaklinik

rue d’Anvers Zithaklinik, 1st floor  Luxembourg

Art Charity Event “HOME” June 2021

…To start the new life on the new place in completely different cultural medium and legal environment is not easy. Sometimes the mental adaptation takes more time and efforts then the physical one. “To go home” – is it exact destination or just the imaginary place where you feel protected, safe, beloved or at least not aggressed?...

Offline exhibition: 1-30.06.2021

Meet the artists every Sat 2-6pm: 17 artists from 4 continents presented

Online: https://www.art-management.lu/charity 


Eliane GRAAL   Painting

June 19 - July 31, 2021

Contemporary art exhibition

Realized with information support of Radio ARA Russia 

#art #exhibition #art2innovation  #art2business #supportliveartist

IVAN KULINSKI  Sculpture  


RENĖ ROESER Surrealistic photography 


SVETLANA K-lié  Silkscreen

NEHA C S  •  Encaustic painting

Opening in the presence of the artists Sat 17.04.2021   2-8pm


René ROESER   Surrealistic photo

Apr 17 - Mai 31, 2021

Curated by Nadina Faljic



Benoît KUNSCH Photography

Feb 23 - Apr 4, 2021

Curated by Nadina Faljic

2021: selected as a Partner Gallery by ARTNET, world-wide leading professional platform for galleries Artworks sale online / Curated virtual exhibitions


Artists presented:  René Roeser (LU), Benoît Kunsch (LU), Eliane Graal (LU), Ivan Kulinski (BU) 

2020: selected as a Partner Gallery by ArtMoney, Australian-American professional platform for galleries


Empower people to buy contemporary art and support sustainable creative economy

HOME & LIVING EXPO,  LuxExpo 12-20.10.2020  Hall 9, Booth 9C55

ART & AROMA for your wellbeing:

Benoît Kunsch • athmospheric photo         

René Roeser • surrealistic photo

Neha Chaturvedi • scents & candles     

Olga Oswald-Shorokhova • art-glass


22–23 of August 2020   10am – 7pm

for winter-garden, entrance area, bar, beauty/spa salon, bathroom, etc  insusceptible to humidity, temperature, wind, air contamination or cleanable.   

 ... they do exist! :) Just you have to pay attention not only to aesthetics, size, color, emotion but also to materials used while creation. For example, the varnish used for automotive industry is very beloved by contemporary artists ;) :)) Let you surprise!

Welcome to LUXEXPO    Parking South, Level 2

28.05.2020 at 12:30 CET

"How to affect the people through art-environment?"

Free webinar  related to well-being and human aspects of working environment.  Duration: 1h

Art2Business / Art4Business / Business THROUGH Art:  why / how (goals / realization tools)

“The new way of measuring time”

#art2innovation  #art2business

New art-space opening where the artworks could be bought for ₿ (Bitcoin) alternatively to €-payments. 

IVAN KULINSKI   Sculpture  Bulgaria

INSPIRARIA   Painting Georgia

RENĖ ROESER  Surrealistic photography Luxembourg

«Foundry»  38, route d'Esch | L-1470 Luxembourg

2019: Duo-exhibition “The territory of Angels”, Luxembourg    Concept creation & realization 

2019: Art-exhibition organization in the framework of professional event for architects and interior designers, “Archibox”, Forum DaVinci, Luxembourg 

Artist: Anar Huseynzade (AZ) paintings 

2019: Art-exhibition organization in the framework of professional event for architects and interior designers, “Archibox” Luxembourg

Artists: René Roeser (LU) Surrealistic photos

Ferni Rodesch-Schmit (LU) Collages 

2019: Big Art Charity Event: co-organization, 

Residence of Dutch Ambassador, Luxembourg

38 European artists, 3 days art-event under the patronage of expat’s community “Internations” & Caritas 

2019: Villa Collart opening, Steinfort, Luxembourg

Group exhibition: 13 international artists (LU, FR, DE, UA, UK, AZ, RU, IT) from 58 participants were presented by “Art-Management” 

2019: Art-exhibition co-organization "The landscape in all its glory" “Art du Temp” gallery, Arlon, Belgium 

2018: Exhibition co-organization: “Drive a mile on my bike”, D’Epicerie (124, av.du X Septembre, Luxembourg)

Artists: Rafael Springer (LU) installations, Manny Olinger (LU) sculptures, René Roeser (LU) digital   art, Ma Zagrzejewska (PL) photo in light-boxes    

2018 Art exhibition curation and coordination  “Inspired by Flora” Atelier 14, Clervaux, LU

Artists: Artists: Zahrée Veerman (LU), Vita Bellacicco (IT), Tatjana Ternowaya (UKR), Piet Veerman (NL)

2018: Private art-event organization: exhibition & secret auction (3-days), Steinford, Luxembourg

Artist: Yana Kapoustin (BE) painting 

Art project-management “turn-key”: concept creation, exhibition design, invitations, music selection, sales & advisory providing during the exhibition, follow-up

2017: Tailormade art-consulting “turn-key": participation in art-festival “Konst am Gaart”, Luxembourg 

Artist: Valery Pirogov (UKR) Metal sculpture 

Selection phase: portfolio, demarch, negotiations 

Participation: logistics organizing, aartworks selection, media support, invitations, pricing 

2010: Corporate art: Halliburton Eurasia, USA Oil-Gas service Company in Kiev, Ukraine 

Launched the art exhibitions in the office as a part of company setup in the country and its further integration fostering 

If you are interested in cooperation / artwork acquiring, please contact us:

oksana@art-management.lu +352 661 311 205

Address: FOUNDRY  38, route d’Esch L-1740 Luxembourg

© Design & Development by Edun The Best