Art Charity Event “HOME” June 2021
…To start the new life on the new place in completely different cultural medium and legal environment is not easy. Sometimes the mental adaptation takes more time and efforts then the physical one. “To go home” – is it exact destination or just the imaginary place where you feel protected, safe, beloved or at least not aggressed?...
The presented artworks contain the different interpretation of “home” as a physical or spiritual place. Curated by: Claudia Bargagli Petrucci / Nadina Faljic
For your convenience, there is also available payment possibility in cryptocurrency (Dogecoin, Bitcoin) align with EURO, as well as an option “propose your price”.
10% of revenue caused by artworks sale goes to the project devoted to refugee's rehabilitation and integration through the art-therapy realized by Red Cross Luxembourg which is successfully running for several months already. Donations are more than welcome!
Art exhibition online is followed by possibility of visiting and meeting the artists during June 2021, FOUNDRY 38, route d’Esch 1st floor L-1740 Luxembourg AGENDA⇨
We care about your health and will be happy to welcome you with registration in advance via email or SMS +352-661-311205. Fr-Sa 14:00-20:00. Other days on demand.
Lea Schroeder
LU Ceramic sculpture
"Home is where you can be yourself, where you can love and be loved unconditionally."
René Roeser
LU Surrealistic photography
"Home oder Wohnort ist erstmal eine Wohlfühloase, der Ort wo man wieder neutral sein kann unabhängig von geografischen und baulichen Begebenheiten. Träumereien die tagsüber zu kurz kommen, können jetzt vervollständig werden."
Menny Olinger
LU Ceramic sculpture
"Die Vorstellung von einem trauten Heim hatt mich inspiriert sie zu machen."
Hermine Jouan
FR Infra-red photography
"Chez soi est lié à un sentiment de sécurité, de calme et de bien être. Mais que veux dire chez soi? Ne s’agit t il pas tous simplement d’être bien en accord avec le lieux où on est présent ? Lorsque l’on aime voyager , on se sent chez soi partout . On transporte avec nous ce qui nous caractérise et on apprécie ce que l’on découvre ailleurs. Notre « Home » est alors partout quelque soit l’endroit sur terre."
Ott Neuens
LU Painting with natural pigments
"Ich fühle mich sehr wohl zu Hause, weil ich dort schöne Kunstwerke realisieren kann. "
Language of the world
canvas on carton, beeswax, natural pigments, foil gold
Sycamore tree
canvas on carton, beeswax, natural pigments, foil gold
Majesty of sun
canvas on carton, beeswax, natural pigments, foil gold
Magic mushroom
canvas on carton, beeswax, natural pigments, foil gold
Olga Oswald-Shorokhova
LU-RU Glass sculpture
"Une maison pour moi c'est la place où je suis en harmonie, en amour , en sécurité."
Salam Noach
IQ-FR Painting
"Home is not a place but rather a feeling, feeling of Safety, Happiness and Comfort with the people you love. "
Christiane Bley
LU Painting
Benoît Kunsch
LU Industrial photography
"Never forget, that once Luxembourg was the « HOME » of many workers, who left their countries, their wives, their children, their friends, to find the money and the social acceptance, so important to them to survive."
Eliane Graal
RU-LU Painting
"Je me sens chez moi dans un endroit paisible. Profiter d’un lieux qui me permette de m’exprimer à travers l’art, la nature, l’humanisme et l’amour est important pour moi. Une maison sans musique, sans tableau, serait une coque vide, un univers blafard où je m’ennuierai."
Danay Haile
ER (Eritrea) Painting
Silvia Karamfilova
BG-FR Painting
"A Home is sacred just like an ancient tree - its roots run deep and strong; if it so happens that you leave it, the thread that ties you to it may brake; you can restore it, however a knot will always remain. But life is stronger and you can try accepting a helping hand."
The Abundance of Home
40x30cmWooden plate, acrylic paint, golden metallic paste, crystal elementsMeeting
40x30cmWooden panel, acrylic paint,metal plate,golden metallic paste, crystal elementsDoor to the Mediterranean
50x50cmWooden panel, acrylic paint, golden, metallic gilding pasteEastern Homes
20x30cmWooden panel, acrylic paint, golden, silver metallic gilding pasteHomes in Africa
22x32cmWooden panel, acrylic paint, golden, metallic gilding paste, crystal elementsThe Olive Tree is the Foundation of the Home
100x74cmWooden panel, acrylic paint, golden metallic gilding paste, crystal elementsThe Keepers of the Light
81x72cmWooden panel, acrylic paint, golden gilding paint, crystal elementsRoots
81x72cmWooden panel, acrylic paint, golden, silver and copper metallic gilding paste, crystal elementsThe Road to Change is Beckoning
50x50cmWooden panel, acrylic paint, golden, silver and copper metallic gilding pasteMandala City – The Circle of Life
45x45cmAcrylic paint, golden, silver and copper metallic gilding pasteYves Geraud
FR-LU Digital art
"La maison est un bien matériel, mais aussi un bien immatériel, dans un sens traditionnel et spirituel... .Habiter doit être entendu pour décrire une certaine présence au monde...!"
Isabelle Federkeil
DE Sculpture
"Home is where my soul can breath." The presented collection of painted ostrich eggs symbolizes home as a family nest and protected space.
Egberdien van der Torre
NL-LU Conceptual art / Painting
"The safe place where I can talk and laugh but also cry and be angry, be with my family and friends. Home is a place where I always drink my first cup of coffee in the morning to get used to the day. And home is the place where often great ideas are born. Without my home I would be restless, stressed, always on my guard, never safe. "
Andrés Bär
AG (Argentina) Photography
"Home for me is the place where we have the possibility to develop ourselves fully, because there is affection, understanding and solidarity."
Jaeyun Moon
Malerei mit eigener entwickelter Technik
"Heim - Das ist mein anderes Ich, wie meine Werke. Denn es riecht nach mir: meine Gedanken, mein Geschmack, meine Entscheidungen. All meine Gespräche, die ich mit anderen geführt habe. Mein Heim offenbart mich, wer ich bin. "
Fragment: # 9
Fragment: # 13
If you are interested in cooperation / artwork acquiring, please contact us: +352 661 311 205
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